Die Klassik-Weltmesse Essen and round Holland on the Clown Bike - Day 4 : Amsterdam, back to lovely Utrecht, Reunited with Jean and the ferry home from Rotterdam Freeport

No sunshine waking me up this morning, just the steady dribble of water from the shower in my room like water torture light, and the dribble of rain landing on the windowsill. Pulling back the curtains it looked very wet and I had left my coat in Jean back in Utrecht. With the unavailability of anything in Amsterdam, there was no choice really, I’d have a quick breakfast in the hotel and head out earlyish back to Utrecht. The wind hadn’t completely changed direction which was a blessing, but instead turned into a crosswind. I didn’t fancy it along the wide canal route I’d come up on yesterday, so a quick look at the map found an alternative route (the beauty of the Netherlands is that there are lots and lots of options!) Just as I was coming out of Amsterdam I came across an immaculate 2CV with a funny badge on the back. It said Club E, but they never made a Club E. then the penny dropped, it was an electric conversion! Taking a few photos the guy came out of the building an...