South Downs Way with KC Day 2 - Hove to Eastbourne (then Winchester then home!)

After we dragged our sorry arse’s in after 10pm last night, Jo, Kieran’s long suffering other half, had left some pasta bolognaise in the pan ready for us to heat up which was a god send, and as Kieran started his stretching regime (he just lay on the floor not moving) I had one of the best showers of my life in the bathroom I had only seen as a derelict shell 3 years earlier, the last time I’d stayed at Kieran’s.In my tiredness then proceeded to flood new bathroom completely as I hadn’t closed the door, then get changed to only find Kieran still motionless on the floor…he did manage to get himself up in a Tin Man from Wizard of Oz fashion and a quick shower later joined me for tea at gone 11pm then bed. Plan for today was get up 8ish so we could be ready and out the door for 9.30, climb back up to where we left the South Downs Way last night, picking up KC’s pal on the way. 35 miles to Eastbourne, we’d be done for 3, get the train back to Hove, watch the final days stage of the ...